> I found:
> /usr/lib/
>       libstdc++.so.2.7.2


So you have the libraries and will be able to run already-compiled code. To 
compile your own, however, you'll need the associated header files. Here's 
the contents of my g++ header file dir. You'll need to find/install the 
equivalent for your flavour of g++.


aleem@pneumon:aleem-> ls /usr/local/GNU/include/g++-3/
PlotFile.h               indstream.h              stl_algobase.h
SFile.h                  iolibio.h                stl_alloc.h
algo.h                   iomanip                  stl_bvector.h
algobase.h               iomanip.h                stl_config.h
algorithm                iosfwd                   stl_construct.h
alloc.h                  iostdio.h                stl_deque.h
bitset                   iostream                 stl_function.h
builtinbuf.h             iostream.h               stl_hash_fun.h
bvector.h                iostreamP.h              stl_hash_map.h
cassert                  istream.h                stl_hash_set.h
cctype                   iterator                 stl_hashtable.h
cerrno                   iterator.h               stl_heap.h
cfloat                   libio.h                  stl_iterator.h
ciso646                  libioP.h                 stl_list.h
climits                  list                     stl_map.h
clocale                  list.h                   stl_multimap.h
cmath                    map                      stl_multiset.h
complex                  map.h                    stl_numeric.h
complex.h                memory                   stl_pair.h
csetjmp                  multimap.h               stl_queue.h
csignal                  multiset.h               stl_raw_storage_iter.h
cstdarg                  numeric                  stl_relops.h
cstddef                  ostream.h                stl_rope.h
cstdio                   pair.h                   stl_set.h
cstdlib                  parsestream.h            stl_slist.h
cstring                  pfstream.h               stl_stack.h
ctime                    procbuf.h                stl_tempbuf.h
cwchar                   pthread_alloc            stl_tree.h
cwctype                  pthread_alloc.h          stl_uninitialized.h
defalloc.h               queue                    stl_vector.h
deque                    rope                     stream.h
deque.h                  rope.h                   streambuf.h
editbuf.h                ropeimpl.h               strfile.h
floatio.h                set                      string
fstream                  set.h                    strstream
fstream.h                slist                    strstream.h
function.h               slist.h                  tempbuf.h
functional               stack                    tree.h
hash_map                 stack.h                  type_traits.h
hash_map.h               std/                     utility
hash_set                 stdexcept                valarray
hash_set.h               stdiostream.h            vector
hashtable.h              stl.h                    vector.h
heap.h                   stl_algo.h 

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