I'm new to TeX world, but it looks cool. Using
LyX.1.1.5fix1 , I'm trying to put borders on my
pages, and to make the header into 3 sections
looking like 1-row-3-column table. To explain
visually what I mean:
|       ________________________________________  | 
|       |head   |       head 2          | head  | |
|       |  1    |         2             |  3    | |
|       |_______|_______________________|_______| |
|       |                                       | |
|       |                                       | |
.       .                                       . .
.       .                                       . .
.       .                                       . .
|       |                                       | |
|       |_______________________________________| |

I tried fancy pages, read all documentation 
about fancy package, but nothing for me. Is it
possible to insert a simple table in the header?
And how to put border lines where the page margins 
are? Is it into LyX docs? I'll upgrade as soon
as i download to 1.1.6 version. Maybe I just need
some LaTeX packages from CTAN, could you tell me
which ones?


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