I am using LyX 1.1.5fix1. When I want to give some citations, I use the
menu: Insert->Citation Reference ... to invoke a Citation popup windows
prompted. Although I want to select more than one key from the pull-down
menu, it only allows me to choose one only, the later selected key
overwriting the previous one. It seems not convenient. If I want to have the
citations like [1,3,9], how can I do without involving manually typing-in
the keys?
As I remember, there is a document in either Help or other documentational
sites stating the way to format the citation like [1-4] instead of
[1,2,3,4], however, I can't find it at this moment. Anyone can tell me where
it is or how I can do it so. Thanks a lot!
Merry Christmas to LyXers here in advance!
Have a nice holiday!
Wei Lu
Parallel Processing Lab,
School of Computer Engineering,
N4, Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Avenue
Tel: +65-7904623
Fax: +65-7926559
Official Homepage: http://sentosa.sas.ntu.edu.sg:8000/~luwei/
Family Homepage: http://xueluwei.homepage.com/
ICQ#: 18269262