Solaris2.6 CDE, gcc 2.8.1, xforms88, teTeX 1.0

A lot of warning while compiling, normal ones I guess.

At run-time:
LyX: Bad integer `1' [around line 10 of file 
LyX: Bad integer `1' [around line 11 of file 
Impossible number of page sides, setting to one.
LyX: Bad integer `2' [around line 12 of file 
LyX: Bad integer `2' [around line 13 of file 
LyX: Bad integer `1' [around line 13 of file 
LyX: Bad integer `1' [around line 31 of file 
LyX: Bad integer `1' [around line 49 of file 
LyX: Bad integer `1' [around line 73 of file 
LyX: Bad integer `1' [around line 15 of file 
LyX: Bad integer `1' [around line 16 of file 
LyX: Bad float `4' [around line 19 of file 

When I load the Introduction, 
 - the last line of the title leaves only the top of the letters,
 - the sectioning is unnumbered,
 - nothing in the TOC 
The dvi is OK.

I increased the size of the menus font, then the « Navigate » hits 
« Documents ».

This is all for the time being...


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