Matej Cepl wrote:
> Hi,
> trying to create sectino with line. What I mean is something
> like this
> Section title_______________________________ (to the right edge)
> Even though I persuade both titlesec and sectsty very
> forcefully, neither of them seems to be of any help. The best
> what I can get is the line BELOW the section title not on the
> same line by this definition in preamble:
> \usepackage{sectsty}
> \makeatletter
> \newcommand{\nadpisline}[1]{%
> \ttfamily
> \huge
> \bfseries
> #1
> \hrulefill
> }
why don't you use
Your Sectiontitle \hrulefill
with style chapter, section or any otherone and \hrulefill in tex(red)