Dekel Tsur wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 12:33:56PM +0200, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> > I need to do a presentation (transparencies etc) due Friday. Of course,
> > I'd like very much to use LyX.
> >
> > First I'd like to hear comments, tips and maybe even have example
> > presentations done with LyX.
> I've recently created a presentation using pdfscreen and TeXPower.
> The result PDF file is viewed using Acrobat reader in full screen mode,
> and the result is like a powerpoint presentation
> (i.e. I didn't create transparencies).
> I've put a small example at
> It contains slightly modified version of pdfscreen.sty, and a pdfscreen.layout
> file. Note that the file can only be processed with pdflatex, so either use
> lyx 1.1.6cvs/1.1.6pre*, or manually export to latex and run pdflatex.
For enhanced the possibilities of pdflatex using transitions effects
between pages and pauses I use ppower4 postprocessor
and I have created a foiltex-based layout and a files in
order to support the capabilities of ppower4. You can find one example,
the layout, and the inc files at
and the resulting pdf file at
In the tgz file you can also find a lyx2pdf script (BTW it would be nice
to include a -pp4 option in Steffen Evers' lyx2pdf script ) to run all
the stuff, you must execute:
# lyx2pdf -pp4 presentation
and that's all.
It is presumed that ppower4, and a recent java distribution, are
You can see a more mathematical oriented pdf example at
Yesterday I was a dog. Today I'm a dog. Tomorrow I'll probably still
be a dog. Sigh! There's so little hope for advancement.
-- Snoopy