On 16-Nov-2000 Herbert Voss wrote:
>> habe folgendes Problem:
>> Ich möchte eine Float-LongTable erstellen, es wird aber kein
>> automatischer Seitenumbruch eingefügt. Auch ein erzwungener
>> Seitenumbruch in einer Float-LongTable bringt nicht das erhoffte
>> Resultat.
> floats are only possible on ONE page, so you have to write a
> standard long-float. you can define your own "float"-environment
> with package float
Well this is probably because you (Frank) want a caption for the longtable.
There exists a trick right now to do this which I have already told a few
time on this list, have a look at the attached file.
I hope to resove this problem cleaner in the upcoming 1.2.0 version, so
the version after 1.1.6 (in a few month ;).
For Herbert: Can you point me how to produce multipage floats, IMO this
could be interesting as feature for LyX.
Dr. Jürgen Vigna E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen Web: http://www.sad.it/~jug
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