>>To: "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: pdf
>>From: Andre Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: 09 Nov 2000 15:25:21 +0100
>>User-Agent: Gnus/5.0807 (Gnus v5.8.7) XEmacs/21.1 (Capitol Reef)
>>"Jean-Pierre.Chretien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> >>Subject: pdf
>>> >>From: Andre Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> >>Date: 09 Nov 2000 14:41:47 +0100
>>> >>
>>> >>Hi everybody,
>>> >>
>>> >>I have just subscribed to this group! I'd like to find out how I
>>> >>produce .pdf files from within lyx. The documentation is... I did
>>> >>things with Export-Custom ;), but I had to use ps2pdf, and the result
>>> >>was of a very bad quality in acroread; xpdf couldn't even show
>>> >>it. What I'd really like to have is an option to run pdfelatex from
>>> >>within LyX, and display the result in xpdf automagically. An "option"
>>> >>as xdvi is significantly faster, and can be updated.
>>> >>
>>> >>My system: Debian 2.2 potato, LyX 1.15fix2, gs 5.10-9.1 (.deb package
>>> >>#), recent tetex, \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>>> >>\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{palatino}.
>>>                                             ^^^^^^^^
>>> If the acroread printing is all right, but the screen view is awful (and
>>> you need it), you may use palatino only when you want printing
>>> output and times or pslatex when you need screenview, but of course
>>> the page layout will change...
>>> («times» is misleading: it turns to times for roman, helvetica for 
>>> and courier for tty).
>>Isn't it the same for palatino? And, the pdfelatex output looks and
>>print really fine.
>>-- Andre

On the GS side, perhaps you might upgrade to gs 6.01 ? 


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