Oliver Eichler wrote:
> Hi
> My girlfiend wants to know:
You are forced to use bibtex.
(it is easy to manage if you use pybliographic
download pybliographer from www.gnome.org/pybliographer)
Then use bibtex
and add in the Latex preamble
in the insert bibtex file insert your bibliographic database
without the bib extension
use style natplain (if you do not have any other bibliographic
stylefiles you want to use)
This is just one straightforward way to do it!
q&d advice
> ----start----
> If I am citing in Lyx, the citation gets a number, which is shown in the
> text and at the end of the document. But I do not just want to cite
> numbers but something like [name et.al., year]. If I put this information
> in the comment lane, it shows after printing [12, name et.al., year]. So it
> shows the number which I do not want to see, neither in the document and nor
> in the reference list at the end of the text. (In the reference list I also
> want [name et.al., year] to appear!)
> ----end----
> Is there a way to change the style lyx (tex) is printing the citation. I
> guess it is again one of these magic lines in the preamble, isn't it?
> thanks
> oliver
> --
> Ingenieure Kellermann, Voigt, Hoepfl, Eichler, Weidner und Klinger
> DSP Solutions http://www.dspsolutions.de