>>Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 11:37:40 +0100
>>From: Jan Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: fancyhdr - different headers and footers
>>Mail-Followup-To: Jan Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i
>>Hello ,
>>if you use the fancyhdr packages you have the following
>>\lhead{} \lfoot{}
>>\chead{} \cfoot{}
>>\rhead{} \rfoot{}
>>So, if you want to change you header and footer just type the
>>latex commands (in red) on the particular page.
>>For the default header in fancyhdr please look in the package
>>description, i don't know it :(
There exists a native mechanism in the package to deal differently
with «plain» pages and «fancy» pages, which uses the fancyplain command.
I'm afraid that going into the doc is the only way to really understand it.
As an example, here is a modification of the running headers mechnism
which skips these in plain pages:
instead of \usepackage{fancy}
puts the running header (rightark) italicised in the left location
of the header for odd pages (compulsory argument enclosed in {}),
but for plain pages where it is empty, and the page number in any
case for even pages (optional argument in []).
The fact that a page is «plain» can be part of the class description
(chapter title pages, bibliography title page,...) or local with