Guenter Milde wrote:
> My first suggestion was to change the order of input (supposing that for
> typesetting it does not matter, whether the operations are commutative),
> i.e. instead of
> \dot{\mean{g (with lyx inserting the closing brackets)
> put
> \mean{\dot g
> It works, but the output may not be exactly what you want: the dot is nearer
> to the g than it is for Herberts suggestions
Yes, and this is a little bit important,
> > \newcommand\myDot[1]{\dot{#1}}
> > or
> > \newcommand\myDotMean[1]{\dot{\mean{#1}}}
> \mean{\dot{g
> Thus I ooked at the .lyx file to see what happens to \dot{<something>
> I tried what the output of different input variants:
> \dot{g gives \dot{{}g
> \dot{\mean{g --> \dot{{}\mean {g}
> \dot g --> \dot{g} (which is the right thing)
> \dot \mean{g --> \dot{\mean }{g
Of course the same problem appears in the tex file, so this is why I
guessed that there was a problem with \dot
> i.e. the LyX expects a "simple" token after the \dot and cannot handle
> compounds.
> I wonder whether this can be changed.
I wonder too,
> Guenter