On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, Alvaro Tejero Cantero wrote:

> Hello,
> The new tabular inset format produces tables that cannot be read with 
> <=1.1.4. (I didn't test with 1.1.5). Is that going to be fixed?


You have to break some eggs to make an omelette.  And a very yummy
omelette it is too.

We don't guarantee upward-compatibility only backward-compatibility.
Or vice versa depending on your perspective.

Anyway.  It's not broken.  The format has changed that's all.
This is deliberate.  We have never guaranteed that the LyX format will
never change.  We have however guaranteed that your old files will be read
by a newer version (up to a point -- then you need an intermediate version
to convert really old files to a newer format).

Allan. (ARRae)

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