Hi, The default enumeration style in lyx is [(1)], [(a)],, [(i)] "number, letter, i" something like this 1. a i b i ii 2. Would like to skip the first level and get directly to the second enumeration depth as default. Is there any quick fix (in the LaTeX preamble)?? (The nasty way to do it is to export the file as Latex and force the enumeration with \begin{enumerate} [(a)]) It would be more productive to do it directly from LyX. Any suggestions? Staffan.
- Re: enumeration depth Staffan Ringbom
- Re: enumeration depth Jan Goebel
- Re: enumeration depth Herbert Voss
- Re: enumeration depth Staffan Ringbom
- enumeration depth Jim Ragsdale
- Re: enumeration depth Andre Poenitz
- Re: enumeration depth Helge Hafting
- Re: enumeration depth Herbert Voss