>>From: Emanuele Gissi & Alessia Franceschi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: A new Agency needs LyX, perhaps.
>>Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 17:33:13 +0200
>>My wife and me have almost accomplished our respective PhD thesis with
>>LyX1.1.5fix1, Pybliographic and ImageMagick on Linux Mandrake 7.1.
>>In a months I am leaving university and beginning to work as manager of a
>>new local agency for energy saving.
>>My project is to start the right (and economic) way: an open-source
>>only organisation.  So, I plan to use Linux, StarOffice 6 (soon coming?) and
>>LyX, of course, for all the reporting activity.
>>I already know that I will be facing several problems and oppositions.
>>The worst of the problems, that I should solve before formal proposal, is the
>>following: our likely partners work on Win and MSOffice only.
>>I have got no problem for exporting read-only documents: LyX PDF-export works
>>very nice.   
>>The problem comes when sharing read-write docs, those documents that are
>>reviewed and modified by the partners, thus needing to be translated from LyX 
>>MSWord and viceversa, without loosing the overall structure. Of course tables,
>>equations and other strange objects could be translated into images
>>(à-la-latex2html) in the MSWord side, but they should be editable in LyX side.
>>Text and structure should be editable in both sides.
>>Yes, I know: the solution is to make partners switching to LyX ;-)
>>But at present this appears impossible.
>>So I ask lyx-users for ideas and suggestions...
>>This is the actual situation of my experiments:
>>      HTML = exported by Lyx, but not imported...
>>      TXT = it looses the structure!
>>      RTF = I tried latex2rtf. Not so bad, but it needs hacking and MSWord 
does not
>>      read the converted tables. I never succeded with rtf2latex 
>>      ??? = ???
>>Thanks a lot for the invaluable work of developers and help from users.
>>Emanuele Gissi.
>>Emanuele Gissi & Alessia Franceschi
>>via Damiano Chiesa 20/B
>>60123 Ancona - Italia
>>tel: 0039 071 32979 - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>fax: 0039 071 220.2256
>>"L'imagination, ce n'est pas le mensonge"
>>[Daniel Pennac - Messieurs les enfants, ed. Gallimard, Paris, 1997]

I recently posted in this (answer  subject « unsubscribe », but my mail bounced 
and is not  in the archive... Here it is:

------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------

>>From: "br" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: unsubscribe...
>>Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 17:03:09 +0200
>>Importance: Normal
>>My work is finished with lyx...great program!
>>And the text looks very nice too...
>>unfortunately univ.chair wants me writing my next documents
>>in MS WORD... this sucks! but i'll probably do it..
>>CU i'm off..

There exists translators from LaTeX towards MS Word.

Among the various possible ways, it seems to me that going to RTF
is the most efficient, even if it's not perfect
(going to HTML, then reading the HTML with MS Word
works fine for figures, tables, and bibliographies, but is complicated for
equations (with e.g. LaTeX2HTML, display equations rendered as figures
with enhanced resolution is OK,
but MS Word importer from HTML is unable to use the fine
work done by l2h and the inline equations are not centered on the line).

Moreover, the MS Word document looses the markup of the
HTML document, so that the translation cannot be reverted with e.g.

Each time I give explanations about typesetting with LaTeX,
I get the question: « What about MS Word ?».
Clearly an effort (once more) is needed by the free software
community to get a good translation from LaTeX to MS Word.
This should not be underestimated, because the look and feel of LyX
is not sufficient to turn MS Word users towards LyX. When LyX
users will be able to produce Word documents, they will be free to use
their favorite typesetter and able at the same time to fulfill
the requirements of MS Word,  « The Word Processor of the Last Century » 
as we will say after Dec. 31, 2000 :-)


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