Dear Lyxers,

using Lyx I have observed a quite nasty problem which maybe 
hint to a bug in Lyx.

Here is the problem:

Under xfig I create a figure which embed Latex text such as math-symbols
now I include the *.pstex file into my lyx-document and run the 'View
PostScript' Command. In the final Postscript File only the math-symbols
appear but NOT the figure which they are attached to. The lyx(Tex)
output on the screen tells me that the *.pstex file coud not been found.

So far so good (bad). Then I exported the lyx file as a common TEX-File
and did the usual latex 'filename' dvips 'filename' and voìla the figure
appears as it should. I could not find out why when processing the file
under LYX the file was not found why it is found when running usual
Latex. Anyone who can help.

By the way I use LYX version 1.0.4 (which is not the most recent I know)

Thanks a lot in advance,



  |  Roman Poeschl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])           |
  |  Lehrstuhl f. Experimentalphysik V              |
  |  Universitaet  Dortmund                         |
  |  Tel.: ++49-231-755-4526                        |
  |                                                 |
  |  In HH: Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron(DESY)   |
  |         Raum 1b,Nr.604                          | 
  |         Tel.: ++49-40-8998-2636                 |
  |         Fax.: ++49-40-8998-4385                 |             
  |                                                 |

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