Philipp Vetter wrote:
> My question is: how can I change the paperfontsize to 9 pt?
> Lyx only seems to give me the options default, 10,11 or 12 pt.
> I am writing a two-column document, for which the smaller font size would
> be very useful
> [I tried changing /paperfontsize in my Lyx document manually, but that
> doesn't work]
it's a little bit difficult to change the document-font to other
than 10,11,12
therefore i use my own ext-classes, which have an option for
they are always the same to the other classes, only with
prefix ext:
extarticle, extbook, extreport, extletter
you need package extsizes were this classes are defined. in
~/.lyx/layouts you only have to copy the correspondig layouts
e.g. for article:
article.layout -> extarticle.layout
now change the second line in extarticle.layout to
# \DeclareLaTeXClass{extarticle}
insert the three lines:
FontSize 8|9|14|17|20
and now do a ./configure from ~./lyx or from within lyx a
reconfigure. now you can choose layout->document->extarticle
with the fontsize-options.
let me know, if you want this layouts by mail.