hi, the two files ~/.lyx/lyxpipe.in ~/.lyx/lyxpipe.out are not deleted when lyx is closed. starting lyx again gives LyXComm: Pipe /home/voss/.lyx/lyxpipe.in already exists. If no other LyX program is active, please delete the pipe by hand and try again. importing/exporting my citations with pybliographic to lyx sometimes doesn't work in fact of this situation. it may be a good idea, if lyx can delete this files (if present) with the exit-command? Herbert -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://perce.de/voss
- Re: serverpipe Herbert Voss
- Re: serverpipe German Poo Caaman~o
- Re: serverpipe Lars Gullik Bjønnes
- Re: serverpipe Lior Silberman
- Re: serverpipe Lars Gullik Bjønnes
- Re: serverpipe Lior Silberman