I have printed off all there is on my MD7.0+St.Off5.01 regarding KLYX documentation and read it carefully.
No-where can I get it to create:-
MY NAME(top left)                                                  MY ADDRESS(top right)
SEND TO ADDRESS (beginning 5.5cm below top of page)
Main text
TEL NUMBER(bottom left)                            E-MAIL ADDRESS(bottom right)
all with about a 2.5cm page margin alround.
The satandard template will not do this so by definition a customised job is necessary.I do not seem able to produce a customised job either.What do I do?
Would it not of been better to of given the programme a headers and footers enviroment where the standard letter headings go in any form or style chosen.The rest is easy enough to type in by the typist each time a letter is invoked .
The manual is verbose and improcise ,and needs rewiting by professional manual writers ,people who have been trained to understand the combination of visual and concisely writen instruction, that make the chore as short as possible,and builds up the users confidence from the start.That means precise instruction, do this do that,click hear click there, choose from dropdown menu ,select from list ,lardy, lardy lar.It should include some pictures in greyscale to demonstrate whereever feasible the type of command and layout. The use of block diagrammes linked by lines to show options ,not unlike that which produces the visual command lines in the folders and files structure tree,but with larger boxes with better descriptions of where to click or what to type. Of course the person(s) who would do this would have first to have a full hands on training by someone with that prior knowledge of how it all works.I am sure that they are in short supply,but this would make a nice project for some university dept. with the write sort of skills.Money well spent.
Anuone listening.
John R.Smith

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