I'm considering using Lyx for an academic book writing project. I have
used it for small projects in the past, and I think it works pretty
well. I think the last time I used Lyx, it was version 1.0, and at that
time there was no ability to import LaTex files. So I'm quite happy to
see reLyx and all working.

I've been learning a stat program called R and it can output Latex
figures.  Here is what they look like at the top:
\setcoordinatesystem units <1pt,1pt>
\setplotarea x from 0 to 34689.60, y from 0 to 34689.60
\font\picfont cmss10\picfont
\font\picfont cmss10 at 10pt\picfont
\font\picfont cmss10 at 10pt\picfont
\font\picfont cmssbx10 at 14pt\picfont
\put {Histogram of islands}  [lB] <0.00pt,0.00pt> at 17289.16 34667.52
\font\picfont cmss10 at 12pt\picfont
\put {islands}  [lB] <0.00pt,0.00pt> at 17336.58 9.17
\put {Frequency}  [rB] <0.00pt,0.00pt> at 9.17 17323.43
\plot 1294.40 42.50 29613.35 42.50 /
\plot 1294.40 42.50 1294.40 38.33 /
\plot 10734.05 42.50 10734.05 38.33 /
\plot 20173.70 42.50 20173.70 38.33 /
\plot 29613.35 42.50 29613.35 38.33 /

My idea was that I would be better off to use these with Lyx than a ps
figure, because scaling of a latex figure would not necessarily shrink
the fonts, but ps would shrink fonts. Totally wrong?

Anyway, can you tell me how to bring such a latex figure into lyx? Under
insert/figure, I only get 2 eps/ps options.

Paul Johnson

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