I tried to install the lyx-1.1.5fix1-1.src.rpm on my linux machine but I
could not compile it. The included spec file contains a version
information like "lyx-1.1.6cvs" which obviously does not match the
downloaded version. If this is an error, who should I inform about this?
(If not, what can I do to compile it? I know I could use the plain
archive files but I'd like to learn using the rpm.)

* Michael Zapf  -----------  http://www.vsb.cs.uni-frankfurt.de/~zapf/
* Fachbereich Informatik, Verteilte Systeme und Betriebssysteme
* (Dept. of Comp.Science, Distributed Systems and Operating Systems)
* Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt/Main

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