> And we are not exactly plagued by spam...
> (or is it my own filtering that removes it?)
Well, in the last 4 mos, the devel list had 3 spams---unfortunately, all
three in the last 10 days. The first two spammers have been caught, but I
have not heard back about the last one.
Unfortunately, these spammers posted their messages in such a way, theat it
could not be distinguished from a regular post. This means, they addressed
their message to the list directly, and they connected to the list server
from a completely legitimate, rbl unlisted domain. The only way, these
spams could be avoided if the list was closed for nonsubsubscribers, or the
list was moderated. At this point, I think these inconveniences are not
As a final note: nobody has to worry; the subscribers's addresses are
completely safe, and nobody can access them except the list owner and the
superuser on the list server. Also, the web archiver of the list goes into
great pains to try to hide all email addresses in a message, and the archive
server employs all kinds of access restrictions for webcrawlers. Of course,
if you put your address all over in the body of a message, you may get into