As a recent Lyx convert I hope I am not going over old ground, but I am
looking for tips to get ispell to work with LyX.  I have a fully
function LyX 1.15 installation (already the draft of one paper finished
with it - what did I do before I "discovered" Lyx) and a fully
functional ispell 3.1.20 (ie. I can spell check LaTeX without problems)
running on YellowDog Linux PPC 1.2.  Ispell is in the path and the
master lyxrc file has ispell listed as the spell checker.  All of the
spellchecker  related options in Lyx, however, remain firmly disabled.
Anybody have any suggestions?  Thanks in advance.....

David C Martin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Materials Engineering Laboratory,
Mechanical Engineering Department,
University of Oulu
PO Box 4200
Oulun Yliopisto 90014 FINLAND

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