On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
> > > My suggestion is to add rows above and below that row and then
> > > click off the bottom and top horizontal line of those rows.
> > I had thought of that but it leaves way too much space. A half a row would be OK.
> > must be some way to adjust this. I'm not sure why this is not done automatically. I
> > don't think this would be acceptable typesetting.
> I don't know any other way, maybe one of the TeXperts can give us a better
> way?
It's in the Extended Features guide under "Secrets of the LaTeX
Masters"; I've forgotten the exact section label. In fact, I listed _two_
ways to do this, so no excuse for bad typesetting!
Mike Ressler
OK, I'm lame: I don't have my own website ...