On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:

[Creating PDF files]

> What is needed in addition is:
>  - remove the .eps extensions after file selection for figures to use the
>  ability of graphicx to deal with any kind of extensions,

This is a work in progress, actually I work to redo the graphics support
of LyX and it will include also using a non-suffixed filename. In the
intended feature list is also automatic conversion of file formats so that
EPS figures will be translated to PNG (or PDF) for PDF output. However it
will take some time to do.

Regarding the rest of the stuff, it will probably come after graphics
support will allow PDF output (though it could be added right now, but
documents with images will not be possible).

I hope that in a month or so (depending on my load) the new graphics
handling (dubbed InsetGraphics) will be ready for its initial debut, at
least to the level that it won't interfere with PDF output (i.e. will not
use the suffix), the other requirement from it is to be bug-free and
support at least as much features as the current InsetFig does.

  Baruch Even

http://techst02.technion.ac.il/~sbaruch/   (My Site)
http://rpghost.com/jindor/                 (My brothers AD&D site)

" Learn to laugh ... it's the path to true love! " 
   - The Angel in the movie Michael

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