> >
> > When I want to produce pdf files I insert the line "\usepackage{pslatex}" in the
> > LaTeX preamble and then use ps2pdf (or distill). That works very well - except
> > for the itemization bullets which seem to not appear correctly in the pdf file.
> Hi,
> that's for me a known feature of ps2pdf...;-((.
distill is not better, although commercial software. :-(
> > It seems as if I had to change the itemization characters manually (in the
> > preamble) because I didn't find a LyX setting for it. Or is there any way to
> > preserve the bullet character?
> I don`t know the way to do so...
I found one way: Layout->Document->Bullet shape; there one selects the
Ding1 set and the bullet on the upper right. It looks just like the
well-known LaTeX bullet but is displayed and printed properly.
* Michael Zapf ----------- http://www.vsb.cs.uni-frankfurt.de/~zapf/
* Fachbereich Informatik, Verteilte Systeme und Betriebssysteme
* (Dept. of Comp.Science, Distributed Systems and Operating Systems)
* Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt/Main