> Is there an other way to insert sub/superscipts than going into math mode? Not as far as I know. > [cumbersome] You could try do define your own LaTeX commands or use some special chemistry package. Have a look at CTAN to find something that suits your needs. Andre' -- It'll take a long time to eat 63.000 peanuts. André Pönitz ......................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- sub/superscipts Martijn Brouwer
- Re: sub/superscipts Andre Poenitz
- Re: sub/superscipts Kenward Vaughan
- Re: sub/superscipts Herbert Voss
- Re: sub/superscipts Kenward Vaughan
- Re: sub/superscipts Marco Bravi
- Re: sub/superscipts Laurent DUVAL
- RE: sub/superscipts Jeff Fleming