"Anna H.Pryor" wrote:

> Since I got such a speedy answer (which worked!) on my last question, I have
> another.
You're welcome!
> [evil LaTeX code deleted ...]

> I can get the left hand side, the one sided bracket and the 3x1 dimensional
> array.  The problem is that when I write the above elements in the array
> positions I don't get any spacing between what comes before "if" and after.
> In other words, I don't know how to control the spacing.  I want the three
> "if's" to line up on top of each other.
Have a look at the attached LyX file. I used a 3 x _2_ dimensional array
with left aligned columns to arrange the values and the if's (BTW: I
think a centered/left aligned arrangement could look even nicer?!). The
only problem I had was the quite small space between the
text-in-math-mode if's and the math-stuff right after, so I inserted two
"hard spaces" (evil and ugly but gives good looking results, IMHO).
Hope this helps...

> Also, I was telling someone at work about Lyx and they mentioned that there is
> a program called "Textures" that sounded similar.  Do you have any response on
> how I can say that this a different (better?) program?
No idea. Don't use anything similar to LyX, use LyX instead :-)

I'm writing my master's thesis with it and am very happy having LyX to
do so! Since now I can't even think of any other tool to write it this

web: http://www.FrankMahler.de/
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\begin_inset Formula \[
y=f\left( y\_in\right) =\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
1 & \textrm{if}\, \, y\_in>\theta ,\\
0 & \textrm{if}\, \, -\theta \leq y\_in\leq \theta ,+\\
-1 & \textrm{if}\, \, y\_in<-\theta .
\end{array}\right. \]



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