Fred C wrote:
> Didn't find an EASY (I'm not a nerd) to use answer for that common
> question :
> How can i reduce the monstrous size of .eps pictures to be inserted in
> my thesis written with LyX 1,0,4 on Linux 2,2,13?
> A simple color picture of Linus in jpeg makes 17 kb, saved as grayscaled
> .eps it results in an horrible (to save on a floppy) 1,6 Mb!!!
Level 2 Postscript? (I think earlier Postscript implementations produced
huge output for bitmaps (I suspect drawing a rectangle for each pixel or
something crazy like that), whereas later ones could embed the bitmap data
more sensibly, but I don't know if any of that applies to EPS.) In any case
jpegs are insanely compressed, and what you end up with in Postscript/EPS
You could try compressing the EPS file if you need to fit it onto a floppy
for transport. Just use gzip or for better compression use bzip2. That
should easily save enough to fit it onto a floppy if it's already 1.6Mb
uncompressed. It won't be as small as the original jpeg, but it should be
quite a lot smaller as EPS is basically text and compresses well.