I didn't thought that the hyperlink capabilities of
mail readers would make my preceding mail on the subject
difficult to read, I replaced the real URL by "URL" hereunder.


>>After an investigation of the way URL are dealt with in LyX,
>>it seems that the export to LateX looses the <URL>anchor structure
>>which appears in the popup: e.g. if I type in Lyx as the anchor ("Name"
>>in the popup) and URL as the url, this appears as
>>\begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl[LyX]{URL}
>>in the lyX file and
>>LyX \url{URL}
>>in the LaTeX file, whatever HTML is tagged or not in the popup.
>>That's OK for the typesetting, but it's a pity to loose what is
>>needed to build a correct hyperlink: instead of
>><A HREF="URL">Lyx</A>
>>we get using either tth or LaTeX2HTML
>>Lyx <A HREF="URL"><TT>URL</TT></A>
>>I solved this with postfiltering, but it seems a bit awkward and it
>>replaces the nice popup by ERT.
>>------------- End Forwarded Message -------------

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