Hi all!!

I have just finished my thesis using lyx. It's about 250 pages with lots of pictures and tables and I haven't had any problem.

The problem is that I have to present it for a contest and the organization only accepts formats that can be read with MS Word :-((
Is there any way to convert my document to RTF (or other format that can be read by Word)???

Thanks in advance.

Best regards from Spain,


* Isaac Barona Martínez    Ingeniero de Telecomunicación                  *
* Telefonica I+D           Pruebas de Sistema de Telefonía de Uso Público *
* c/ Emilio Vargas, 6      Tel: 91 337 44 05                              *
* 28043 Madrid (SPAIN)     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         *

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