On 19-Jun-2000 Angus Leeming wrote:
> Emre> I want to have several lines in on cell of a table, when
> Emre> terminating each line with a <ctl>+<enter> (as suggested
> Emre> in the list archive) the ouput in Lyx looks just as I want it.
> Emre> Still - when looking at the dvi preview I see that the line
> Emre> breaks have not been processed. All lines are put into one.
> That's because <ctl>+<enter> results in virtual line breaks in LyX, so that you
> can easily edit the contents of a cell (ie, without going beyond the right hand
> margin). To create real line breaks, enable this option in the table dialog
> (click with the right mouse button on the table).

You have to set a fixed width for the column first, then the BreakLine
option is just necessary if you want to decide where to break your text.



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