try the harvad package from CTAN
path something like pub/macros/latex/supported ???
it has different versions which should do the job
best ,
D Milburn wrote:
> Hi again,
> I've got BibTeX working like a dream, I just have one other little
> question ;-)
> On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Herbert Voss wrote:
> > there are several packages for cites. look at ctan
> > for "(" instead of "["
> >
> > \usepackage{cite}
> > \renewcommand\citeleft{(}
> > \renewcommand\citeright{)}
> OK, done that, and it comes out as desired in the text, for example:
> blah blah blah (Milburn et al., 2000) blah blah blah
> but in the bibliography at the end, I still get (what would normally be)
> the label :
> [Milburn et al., 2000] ....
> before the full reference.
> Is there a command I can put in the preamble to disable this, so that I
> just end up with the full reference? If not, the only other way I can see
> is to write the bibliography latex by hand, but that kind of defeats the
> object :-(
> Thanks for your patience,
> Duncan