Hello LyX users,

        I am considering writing a doctoral dissertation using
LyX.  Thanks to kind help from Kayvan Sylvan, I have LyX 
installed on my home (Linux) computer.  Most people in my
department (Astronomy) use LateX and the school (UCLA) accepts
papers prepared using a specially made documentclass:


I have an example thesis done in this class to use as a template:


My goal was to convert this into LyX using reLyX, then
work from that.  However reLyX gives an odd error:

reLyX, the LaTeX to LyX translator. Revision date 1999/09/27

Reading LaTeX command syntax 
(lpc.tex: Splitting Preamble
Didn't find \begin{document} command! at /usr/bin/../share/lyx/reLyX/MakePreamble.pm 
line 52, <INFILE> 
chunk 30.
Exited due to fatal Error!

the \begin{document} line is clearly there!  I've commented out 
the offending \usepackage{} commands, so they are not the problem.
I fear that reLyX just doesn't know this document class.

Any suggestions or Ideas?  Incidentally, I looked at the CU-Thesis.lyx
template, and while promising, there are enough differences between
CU thesis format and UCLA format that I would like to use the working
LaTeX files (uclathes.cls which can be found at
http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~chris/uclathes/  ) as a starting point.

Thanks much for any advice,

Chris McCarthy
Dept. of Astronomy, UCLA

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