>>>>> jdd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  > as of typographic tradition, may I ask why lyx insists to use a
  > different skip for the first paragraph after a section.

Umm, Lyx is only following standard typographic convention --

  The *first* paragraph of a section, or after a figure, an equation,
  a table, a list, etc., is *not* indented.  Only a paragraph
  following another paragraph gets indented.

Take a close look at some books if you don't believe me.

As far as I can tell, only in the US do people indent the first
paragraph in a section, and even here, only those with no typographic
or publishing experience.  (I suspect that M$ Word has a lot do do
with this...)

Roger Williams                         finger me for my PGP public key
Coelacanth Engineering Inc    consulting & turnkey product development
Middleborough, Massachusetts           wireless * datacomm * DSP * ATE
tel +1 508 947-5585 * fax +1 508 861-0278 * http://www.coelacanth.com/

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