Kimmo Koli wrote:
> In my thesis I have several electrical schematics with a table of
> transistor sizes as a table aside. I would like keep these figure and
> table float pairs as closely together as possible. And I do not want to
> use h-placement option as it does not look good enough in a book
> format. Additionally, I have so many floats around compared to
> the lenght of text around that moving these float pairs does not do the
> trick anymore.
> So is there a ERT-trick to join a figure and a table float together ?

if you do not need different captions for figure and table you
can insert both in one float. latex makes no difference between
table and figure floats. this is only important if you need
list of figures or list of tables. you can place them side by side
(with minipages) or one above the other (hit only return).

> Addional question:
> When a REAL method to control the placement options of the floats
> individually appears in LyX ? The global float placement options in
> the document layout is just not good enough as empty defaults are
> usually the best anyway. So this option is more or less a waste of space
> in the document layout popup.

yes, you're right, but since lyx has this feature you can use
individual placing by using the options h,t,b or p as very
first insert in a float: e.g. in tex [!h]. if you want to 
use this option you need an empty entry in layout->document->
float placement.

hope this helps


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