Friedemann Baitinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| does LyX understand the concept of highlighting updates to an existing
| document by placing "change bars" in the margin area next to all updates
| relative to a previous version?
No not currently.
| If yes, how is this feature controlled?
| If not, are there any plans to implement such a feature? Would it be
| available in the meantime by directly coding LaTeX tags?
I have been thinking about this from time to time, but have so far not
come up with a good solution. (Well actually I have but that require
the new nice family of insettext insets that Juergen is working on)
And yes you can get this by directly inserting latex tags, but
remember that then you are on your own and LyX cannot handle
any mistakes that you make. (or assumptions you make about the lyx format)