I've just noticed something that has apparently been this way for some
time, but now that I've noticed it bothers me. :)
I have several documents, just for personal and informal use, that use
the "report (koma-script)" style. In the printed output, the captions of
figures and tables read, "Figure 1.1.: Blah..." Notice the ".:", which looks
odd to me. (Is it a standard, somewhere?) Was this layout designed that way
intentionally, or is something wrong here?
More to my immediate benefit, how may I change this behavior? I know
little of TeX except what I've picked up from this list, but I expect there's
one little line I could put in the preamble or near the top of the document(s)
to solve this... at least I hope so. :)
(LyX says it is "Version 1.1.4 of Thu, Feb 3, 2000", which I compiled
here from a SRPM. I don't have info on "scrrept.sty", but its header says,
"Copyright 1994-1997 Markus Kohm and Frank Neukam.")
// Carl Hudkins ]=[ ICQ: 5723399 ]=[ PGP: 0x50238d9e
// "It's a long, hard road and a full hard drive
// and a sector there where I feel alive..."
// --Warren Zevon
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