>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Dancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Tony> I have a master document with included lyx files (Include File /
Tony> LyX document specified) for all my chapters. I find this the
Tony> easiest way to manage the thesis. I want to insert a cross
Tony> reference in one chapter (chapter one) to refer to another
Tony> chapter (chapter two). I have inserted the label in chapter two,
Tony> and in the master document if i wish to insert a cross
Tony> reference, sure enough all the labels are there.

Tony> But when I load up chapter one, of course the reference is not
Tony> on my list of available labels, because chapter one has no
Tony> explicit knowledge (presumably) of chapter two.

The idea is to load main document, open the xref popup, and then
switch to the other document (I think).

Hope this helps.


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