>>>>> "Ronald" == Ronald Florence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Ronald> Gerald Gutierrez writes: I didn't see this in any bugs
Ronald> documentation, so I don't know if it's just me. I just
Ronald> compiled my own lyx 1.14 with the fix1 patch. Every now and
Ronald> then the program just seems to disappear (crash I guess). It
Ronald> doesn't leave a core file behind [...] It goes with no
Ronald> warning. I can just be typing away for half an hour and all of
Ronald> a sudden it'll vanish.
Ronald> You are not alone. I see the same thing on Sparc-Solaris-2.6
Ronald> with LyX 1.1.4. No pattern that I have been able to discern to
Ronald> the crashes, and no core file. I never saw this behavior with
Ronald> previous versions of LyX. (If I could repeat a crash I would
Ronald> post the details.)
Please, if you can find a way to reproduce this, let us know... Or
maybe try to run lyx under gdb, in order to get a reproducible