Thanks for answering.
Yes I should change to Redhat 6 BUT -
the machines are heavily used for software developemnt.
I cannot upgrade without a rather disruptive unload and restore.
I am now too tight for room in the vital partitions for an
uneventful upgrade.
I also have a lot of Informix applications which have been compiled
on glibc1 and while they run happily on RH6, I use customised
p-code runners and debuggers which require a lot more time and ]trouble to
maintain on RH6.
So I cannot face the upheaval of an upgrade just yet. Maybe after
a lot of prayer and fasting (It is lent after all) maybe I will be
strong enough to do so!
>From: "Kayvan A. Sylvan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I didn't see this till now since your Emails (from hotmail) are put into
>my junk folder by my procmail junkfilter recipes.
>Well, there is a link to LyX and to our LyX ftp archives on our homepage.
> > I think the homepage should also make it clear that the sylvan
> > version is needed for docbook support.
>Can you upgrade to RH6.0 at least? ;-)
>You probably will have a much nicer time with this (and many other new
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