Reading the onboard documentation I ran across  mention of a fancy
header package under 3.1.3/Fine-Tuning the Defaults/Page Styles/Fancy

Err I was going to past the passage in here but it seems one cannot
copy from the onboard manual with the normal mouse action.  That must
be a pretty handy feature...

   "This allows you to create fully customizable headers and
   footers if you have the fancyhdr package installed..."

and again 
   ". . . . . . . Check the documentation of the 
    fancyhdr package for more details."

(Man that copy/paste "feature" is a pain in the butt)

Where does one get this package?   Checking my tar sources I don't see
anything with a similar name.

find . -name 'fanc*' in the top of the sources turn up nothing.

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