A possible solution is to use layout files from similar document classes.
e. g. If you are using a thesis.cls or sty class you might get book.layout
or report.layout and save it as thesis.layout. 


R. E. de Lima-Lopes
Sao Paulo -SP

---Reply to mail
from mendes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
on Tue, 15 Feb 2000 13:24:41 -0200 
about How to create a layout from an existing cls or sty file?

> Hello
>     Many of the latex docs I've got have their own cls or sty files
> (\documentclass). As I am trying to reLyx them and always getting  a
> error (cannot find layout), I wonder whether there is a simple tool for
> converting cls or sty files to .layout.  
>     Thanks a lot.
> Eduardo

---End reply

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