>>>>> "Philip" == Philip Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> If you are not too afraid to change a bit the sources, take a look
>> at all the places where the function stringWidth() is called on
>> parindent or layout.parindent and change it with
>> signedStringWidth(), which honors the leading '-'. Then try it out.
>> If it does something reasonable, I'll be glad to accept this change
>> [I do not have much time to try it out myself].
Philip> I made the change and I'm surprised that it seems to work.
Philip> That is, a negative parindent is displayed right and lyx
Philip> didn't bomb yet ;) I made a brain-dead search & replace
Philip> operation (like I said, I have no idea what I'm doing) and
Philip> found one single occurence only (in text.C); is that possible?
Yes, it seems only this occurence exists. And, looking quickly at the
sources, it is not completely surprising that it works... So, unless
you find problems, I'll make the change (I do not have time to check
it, but the feature does no harm when it is not used, anyway...).
Congratulations! You just added a feature to LyX :)