>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Lovell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matthew> Howdy, Lyx-1.1.4 seems to be incapable of producing an
Matthew> article with the two-side option. If I select 'one side', it
Matthew> just produces

Matthew>  \documentclass{article}

Matthew> but if I select 'two side' I get

Matthew>  \documentclass[oneside]{article}

Matthew> Has anyone else seen this behavior?

This is indeed a bug [I fixed several similar problems but missed this
one...]. Try the appended patch.


Index: buffer.C
RCS file: /usr/local/lyx/cvsroot/lyx-devel/src/buffer.C,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -r1.42 buffer.C
--- buffer.C    2000/02/04 09:38:29     1.42
+++ buffer.C    2000/02/08 13:37:46
@@ -1466,10 +1466,15 @@
                // if needed
                if (params.sides != tclass.sides()) {
-                       if (params.sides == 2)
-                               options += "twoside,";
-                       else
+                       switch (params.sides) {
+                       case LyXTextClass::OneSide:
                                options += "oneside,";
+                               break;
+                       case LyXTextClass::TwoSides:
+                               options += "twoside,";
+                               break;
+                       }
                // if needed

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