It may seem very odd but it happens to me once, and I sort it ou by
changing the name of the references file


R.E. de Lima-Lopes

---Reply to mail from Jon R. Fox ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on Sun, 30 Jan 2000 18:54:47 
-0500  about No BiBTeX run (and only one LaTeX run)

> I don't know how I did it, but I seemed to have screwed up LyX somehow.
> My BiBTeX references aren't getting processed (as I can see in the dvi
> [?] and the errors in the LaTeX log file),
> and LyX seems only to be LaTeXing my file once, without any BibTeX in
> between.
> My 'BibTeX generated References' appears at the end of my LyX files.
> Any ideas how I did it?
> It is happening to all my thesis chapters.
> - Jon Fox
> Snowed in.
> Penn State Physics Grad Student and job seeker

---End reply

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