On 21-Jan-2000 Kees van Wijk wrote:
> Does anyone know how to put two pictures next to eachother and give both the 
> pictures an other caption?
> I allready tried to insert a table with two columns and one row to have two 
> cells next to each other and then insert a figure in each cell. But the I 
> can't get a caption inserted.
> With insert-floats-figure I get the caption to work, but I don't get
> the pictures next to each other....
> Is there a solution??

Well you got already one solution, look at the attached file for the
LyX way of the solution (not the LaTeX way you got ;)

Greets Jürgen

P.S.: You have to change the two figures with files you have!!!


Dr. Jürgen Vigna                      E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N                     Tel:    +39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen                         Fax:    +39-0471-450296
ITALY                                 Web:    http://www.sad.it/~jug

Good day to let down old friends who need help.

#This file was created by <jug> Mon Jan 24 10:27:54 2000
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
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\begin_float fig 
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\layout Caption
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Test 1
\layout Standard
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\begin_inset Figure size 119 63
file ../../../.lyx/clipart/froglis.eps
flags 11


\layout Caption
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 2 \pextra_widthp 50

Test 2

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