What about trying some bibtex contributed packages from CTAN.
Depending on your field, you probably will find something that suits U.
Staffan Ringbom
Torsten Mueller wrote:
> Hallo Lyxers,
> I would like to include citation references in the form [AUTHOR YEAR] instead
> of a number (which works fine, e.g. [BA97] instead of [3].
> My bibtex file contains the information as the key.
> I think, I must use another style than plain.
> Which one do I have to choose?
> Thanks,
> Torsten
Staffan Ringbom
Assistant Professor in Economics
Department of Economics
Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration
PO Box 479
FIN-00101 Helsinki
Visiting adress: Arkadiagatan 22
Phone: +358-9-4313 3416
Fax: +358-9-4313 3382