Sorry Jean-Marc,
I should be more precise:

With bibtex type plain. there is no problem.
However, I use the harvardpackage for bibtex references

This package is compatible with LyX 1.1.2 and produces nice stuff
but not with LyX 1.1.4pre1.

Lyx 1.1.4pre1 gives citations in the xdvi [?] and the references

To reproduce the pequliar behavior:
1. download the harvard bibtex pacakge from CTAN
   (ctan/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/contrib/economic) & install it.
 2. make a shart test with any bibfile
    add \usepackage{harvard} in the LaTeX preamble
    choose e.g. aer as style. (not important which style is used)

The problem becomes visible after the operations
insert-citation reference
view dvi.




Staffan Ringbom
Assistant Professor in Economics
Department of Economics
Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration
PO Box 479
FIN-00101 Helsinki

Visiting adress: Arkadiagatan 22

Phone: +358-9-4313 3416
Fax:   +358-9-4313 3382

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