Thank you Jean-Marc,
that piece of advice was a good one!!
in the LaTeX preamble was the straight forward way to do it!
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Staffan" == Staffan Ringbom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Staffan> Some time ago here was a question to switch Bibliography ->
> Staffan> References.
> Staffan> I have a similar problem
> Staffan> I have a bibtex file that I include. Lyx automatically
> Staffan> produces the label "References". This should be changed to an
> Staffan> other textstring (In swedish and Finnish) let us call it
> Staffan> "Newname"
> Staffan> Q: How do I perform the switch in LyX?
> OK, let's think a bit about it. When the name is `Bibliography' and
> you want to change it, you redefine \bibname. So, if the name is
> `References' and you want to change it, you are looking for the
> variable... yes, I know you can find it... almost... sure, it is
> \refname!
> Hope this helps.
> JMarc
Staffan Ringbom
Assistant Professor in Economics
Department of Economics
Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration
PO Box 479
FIN-00101 Helsinki
Visiting adress: Arkadiagatan 22
Phone: +358-9-4313 3416
Fax: +358-9-4313 3382