>>>>> "Ronald" == Ronald Florence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Ronald> I promptly fetched and built Lyx-1.1.3 on our
Ronald> Sparc-Solaris-2.6 workstations. I'm delighted to see that bugs
Ronald> in LyX-1.1.1 have been fixed, and that Compose-key sequences
Ronald> that did not work in Lyx-1.1.1 now work. Kudos to the
Ronald> developers.
Ronald> In MapColor [flcolor.c 807] ColormapFull. Using
Ronald> subsititutions
Ronald> This is running with no -dbg on the command line. Why is the
Ronald> colormap full on a 24-bit display? And why am I getting what
Ronald> seem to be -dbg messages?
That's strange. Try to play with the -visual option of LyX and see
whether it helps. Are you sure that this message did not happen with
earlier versions?